Monday, December 9, 2013

Learning Value: The product that taught me to research thoroughly

Atmel AVRISP STK500 USB ISP Programmer

How I despise this product. My father once said "you get what you pay for", but I thought I could skip the rules and get better deals.

My hope is that someone finds this review in the world, by a google search, random blogging journal, etc. I wish there were more posts online about this sketchy Seeed Studio, but maybe this post will help someone.

This product wasted two valuable hours at work trying to get something working. In the end, it is nothing more than a paperweight. All of this could have been prevented if I had only read and been more honest with myself.

On their "Q/A", someone else asked if you can upgrade the firmware to this device. Besides the blatant fact that they lied about the devices it can program, they acknowledge they cannot program most devices.

I would only recommend this product to you if I hate you and want you to lose your job. That is the truth. I purchased an AVR Dragon instead of this already, but still bitter about my experience. If I could report to the BBB, I would. But since it is out of my jurisdiction, let's hope someone will find this bitter and valuable experience with this product.

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